Spanish expressions with “dar” – Spanish exercises

This week we give you some Spanish expressions with “dar”. You can level your knowledge about it with a little exercise. Good luck!

Spanish expressions with "dar"
  • ‘Dar a entender algo’. Insinuar algo sin decirlo claramente.
  • ‘Dar a conocer’. Manifestar algo con hechos o dichos.
  • ‘Dar que hablar’. Atraer la atención con hechos o dichos.
  • ‘Darle a algo’. Practicar algo de forma habitual e insistente.
  • ‘Dárselas de algo’. Presumir de algo.

And now, correct the following Spanish expressions with “dar”:

  1. Se desnudó en plena calle y le dio algo.
  2. Como ha ganado el premio da a entender sabio.
  3. Ha dado a entender su trabajo en la reunión.
  4. No sabía que ahora da a conocer la lectura.
  5. Dio que hablar que el culpable era él.

ANSWERS: 1.Dio que hablar 2.Se las da de sabio 3. Dado a conocer 4.Le da a 5.Dio a entender

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out our Learning resources section page to test your Spanish level with our quizzes.

Do you want to further expand your knowledge of Spanish? We recommend you this post about asking for directions in Spanish .

Ordering drinks in Spanish – Spanish exercises

Ordering drinks in Spanish is not as simple as you might think. Let’s see how well you know your way around the world of alcoholic beverages in Madrid. Try matching the drink with the definition:

1. Bebida de alta graduación alcohólica mezclada con un refresco y hielo en un vaso de tubo. (Spirits mixed with a soft drink and ice in a tall glass)
2. Suele ser de ½ litro. (half a litre or more)
3. Botella de cerveza de 33cl. (a medium sized bottle of beer)
4. Botella de cerveza de 20cl. (a small 20cl bottle of beer)
5. Vaso de cerveza de 20cl. (a small draught beer)
6. Vaso de plástico con capacidad para un litro de cerveza o alcohol con refresco. (a huge plastic glass of beer or sometimes spirits designed to share, often at live music events)

a. CubataOrdering drinks in Spanish
b. Botellín
c. Tercio
d. Jarra
e. Caña
f. Mini

Are you ready now for ordering drinks in Spanish? If you want to continue your Spanish learning, take a look at the infographics of different levels that we have in our Learning resources.

Meet other Spanish students like yourself and discover their learning experience!

How to speak castizo – Spanish exercises

Like any big city Madrid has its own distinctive slang. So if you want to sound like a real madrileño you need to learn how to speak castizo. Try dropping some of these words into your speech. First, you’ll have to match the slang with the definition:

1. ¡Este bar mola mazo!                                                          Genial
2. En mi keli no tengo internet.                                          Autobús
3. Esta canción está fetén.                                                  Rápidamente
4. Espérame abajo, llego en 0 coma.                             Casa
5. Esta mañana el bule iba llenísimo.                             Mucho

Use them with your madrileños friends and prove them that you have learnt how to speak castizo!

Speaking Castizo Style – Spanish exercises

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning and test your level? You can go to our Learning resources section page and and put you to the test with our quizzes.

If you want to continue your Spanish learning while discovering how to cook a delicious Spanish meal, check out this post.

Easter Language Game – Spanish exercises

Spanish exercise about EasterThese days at Easter in Madrid many madrileños just enjoy the processions. However, for real devotees each day of La Semana Santa brings specific religious obligations. Try ordering these phrases correctly and learn what each of the Easter days is called in Spanish.

Domingo de Ramos.
misa olivo Asistimos con de a bendecidas la ramas.
(We attend Mass with blessed olive branches)
Jueves Santo.
la Última la Vamos ver representaciones a iglesia las para de Cena.
(We go to church to see representations of the Last Supper)
Viernes Santo.
de importante Es día la Santa y más no Es comemos el Semana carne.
(The most important day of the week, and we don’t eat meat!)

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out the infographics of different levels that we have in our Learning resources section page.

Discover interesting and fun activities to do in Madrid in our After-class activities section.

El pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo – Spanish exercises

La primavera se acerca, y con ella los productos de temporada y las terrazas en las calles y plazas de Madrid. A los madrileños les encanta compartir en ellas momentos en los que la comida y la bebida son imprescindibles. Uno se toma una caña, otra se toma un chato de vino y el otro solo toma agua. Pero, ¿por qué uno ‘se toma’ una caña y otro ‘toma’ agua? Pues aquí vamos a enseñarte algo muy español sobre el pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo:

El pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo – Spanish exercises

Ahora elige la opción correcta:
1. Ayer merendé/me merendé galletas.
2. Ayer merendé/me merendé un bocata de atún.
3. Bebe/Se bebe un litro de gaseosa al día.
4. Bebe/Se bebe mucha agua cuando hace deporte.
5. Tengo ganas de comer/comerme pescado.
6. Tengo ganas de comer/comerme un pincho de pulpo.


Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out our Learning resources section page to test your Spanish level with our quizzes.

If you have a special someone and want to tell him/her some enchanting phrases in Spanish, go to our St. Valentine’s Day Piropos.

St Valentine’s Day Piropos – Spanish exercises

Piropos San ValentínDo you have a special someone on St Valentine’s Day to give all your love? If you want to surprise her/him with your Spanish lover skills and you want to learn how to flirt in Spanish, we give you the piropos no one would be able to resist! But be aware, maybe some of them will make her/him laugh or run away!

¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar?
Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to pass by again?
Ya me puedo quedar ciego: acabo de ver lo más bonito del mundo.
I now can be blind: I just saw the most beautiful thing in the world.
Si la belleza fuese un instante, tú serías la eternidad.
If beauty was an instant you would be eternity.
Si no existieras, te inventaría.
If you didn’t exist, I would invent you.
Tal vez para el mundo sólo seas una persona, pero para esta persona eres el mundo.
Maybe you’re just a person to the world, but to this person you are the world.

After all this love, do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Take a look at the infographics of different levels that we have in our Learning resources.

If you want to know the learning experience of others Spanish students like yourself, check out our AIL students section.

Plato de temporada – Spanish exercises

During Madrid’s mild winters, locals prepare seasonal stews using ingredients such as beans, lentils, tripe and garlic.

Here, we have a recipe for garlic soup that serves two. It’s a great winter plato de temporada!

Match each ingredient with its image to complete the recipe:


Typical stews of Spanish winter
  • 3 cucharadas de _ _ _ _ _
  • Una pizca de _ _ _ _ _
  • 4 dientes de _ _ _ _ _
  • 50 gramos de _ _ _ _ _ duro
  • 1 litro de _ _ _ _ _


Cortar (2) / Mezclar / Verter

Pelar / Calentar / Poner

Añadir (2) / Cocer

Plato de temporada


Aceite de oliva/Sal/Ajo/Pan/Agua Cortar/Poner/Pelar/Cortar/Añadir/Añadir/Mezclar/Verter/Cocer

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out our Learning resources section page to test your Spanish level with our quizzes.

Do you want to further expand your knowledge of Spanish? We recommend you this post about Spanish expressions with “dar”.

How to ask for directions in Spanish – Spanish exercises

If you’re tired of being enslaved by your GPS, or even worse, you don’t have any signal, then getting lost and asking the locals for help is a great way to practice your Spanish. To learn how to ask for directions in Spanish, why not use these phrases?

Perdona, ¿Hay un banco/una estación de metro/una farmacia por aquí? Excuse me, is there a bank/metro stop/pharmacy near here?
Disculpa, ¿Para ir a……? Sorry, to get to… (insert street name/area)?
¿Sabes dónde está……? Do you know where ….is?

The answer you receive will very likely include common direction verbs such as:
Coger – to take
Girar – to turn
Seguir – to continue (irregular!)
Ir – to go (irregular!)
Cruzar – to cross

Furthermore, it will also nearly always involve the imperative. In the informal singular form, this tense is really easy! To help you, here are the same verbs again in their simplest imperative form.

1. Coge la primera/segunda calle a la derecha/izquierda… (take the first street on the right/left…)
2. Gira a la izquierda en el semáforo… (turn left at the light…)
3. Sigue todo recto… (continue straight on…)
4. Vete a la derecha/izquierda… (go right…)
5. Cruza la plaza… (cross the square…)

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? You can go to our Learning resources section page and and put you to the test with our quizzes.

Also, in order to put into practice what you learned in this post with the activities that we recommend you in our After-class activities section.