In every language, a major aspect of conversation, written or spoken, is stating your opinion. As a Spanish learner it’ll be one of the first things you want to learn to say. This is why we have created a super helpful worksheet all about stating your opinion! Using these standard phrases, it becomes a simple structure.
In this worksheet we have listed a series of eight sentence starters. They can be followed by any opinion you may have, to help you sound more fluent and grammatically correct. Also, many of the concepts are structured very similarly to the English language, so they shouldn’t be too hard to grasp!

As well as reading the worksheet, try writing out sentences that include all these phrases, so you can get to grips with using them in written conversation. Furthermore, practice with a friend, using all these given structures, by speaking aloud about all your favourite things and dislikes! Then your spoken language skills will be equally as improved.
Afterwards, if you want to get more great Spanish-learning help, visit our website for a whole host of infographics like this one!
Or, read more of our blog to learn more about some fun ways to learn really useful Spanish phrases… Why not read all about what to say and do when going to a restaurant in Spain here!