Stating your opinion – Spanish exercises

In every language, a major aspect of conversation, written or spoken, is stating your opinion. As a Spanish learner it’ll be one of the first things you want to learn to say. This is why we have created a super helpful worksheet all about stating your opinion! Using these standard phrases, it becomes a simple structure.

In this worksheet we have listed a series of eight sentence starters. They can be followed by any opinion you may have, to help you sound more fluent and grammatically correct. Also, many of the concepts are structured very similarly to the English language, so they shouldn’t be too hard to grasp!

As well as reading the worksheet, try writing out sentences that include all these phrases, so you can get to grips with using them in written conversation. Furthermore, practice with a friend, using all these given structures, by speaking aloud about all your favourite things and dislikes! Then your spoken language skills will be equally as improved.

Afterwards, if you want to get more great Spanish-learning help, visit our website for a whole host of infographics like this one!

Or, read more of our blog to learn more about some fun ways to learn really useful Spanish phrases… Why not read all about what to say and do when going to a restaurant in Spain here!

Learning Numbers – Spanish Exercises

If you want to improve your fluency, as well as sounding like a local, you need to be learning numbers in Spanish! This exercise is really useful for shopping, giving quantities, and expressing dates, as it teaches you how to structure large numbers in Spanish. For example, to find out how much something costs in a shop, or to ask for a weight of food at a market, you need to be confident expressing large numbers. Repeat the phrases over and over and soon they will be easy! You will be surprised how useful this activity is, and how often you find yourself reciting these numbers…

You will soon be singing these number tongue-twisters in your sleep… Also, here’s an idea! Once you have learnt how to say all the numbers with 3’s, it is easy to pick up other numbers. The structure is the same, you just have to tweak it slightly!

Learning numbers has never been so easy! If you want more infographics like this to improve your Spanish speaking skills, head to our website, where you will find activities for every ability!

To learn more great hints and tricks to sounding like a local, why not read this article next: Health Vocabulary – Spanish Exercises

Featured AIL Student – Roy

Featured AIL Student – Roy

Hi! My name is Abhinav, but you can call me Roy. I’m from Calcutta, India, and I decided to come to AIL Madrid to take the Intensive and Evening Spanish Course.

My story

I need Spanish because of my work here in Madrid and I chose to enrol at AIL Madrid because a friend who was already taking classes told me that it was the best option. He was totally right! The thing that I love the most about AIL it’s the flexible schedule and the fact that the Student Care Team members like Martin or Steven always have a solution for any problem that I may have. Right now, I’m only taking the Evening Spanish Course, but previously I have also taken the Intensive Spanish course.

My teacher

I have been at AIL for more than a year already, and I love all my teachers. We not only learn theory, but we also practise a lot of speaking which is great because it’s exactly what I want. I have also had the opportunity to meet many friends from all over the world which is fantastic. We always try to speak in Spanish between ourselves inside and outside the classroom and that’s great for practice.

Spanish and me

When I started to learn Spanish, I found the subjunctive difficult, but now… it’s what I love the most! I know this it’s hard to believe, but I promise it’s the truth! What I’m recently struggling with is direct and indirect style, but that’s ok, because I love a challenge. For people who are considering taking up Spanish lessons, my advice would be to think out of the box and just don’t be afraid to take the first step!

Do you want to read another AIL Student experience? You can get to know Junko, a semi-intensive Spanish course student, in our Spanish Language Students of AIL Madrid section.

Easter Language Game – Spanish exercises

Spanish exercise about EasterThese days at Easter in Madrid many madrileños just enjoy the processions. However, for real devotees each day of La Semana Santa brings specific religious obligations. Try ordering these phrases correctly and learn what each of the Easter days is called in Spanish.

Domingo de Ramos.
misa olivo Asistimos con de a bendecidas la ramas.
(We attend Mass with blessed olive branches)
Jueves Santo.
la Última la Vamos ver representaciones a iglesia las para de Cena.
(We go to church to see representations of the Last Supper)
Viernes Santo.
de importante Es día la Santa y más no Es comemos el Semana carne.
(The most important day of the week, and we don’t eat meat!)

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out the infographics of different levels that we have in our Learning resources section page.

Discover interesting and fun activities to do in Madrid in our After-class activities section.

El pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo – Spanish exercises

La primavera se acerca, y con ella los productos de temporada y las terrazas en las calles y plazas de Madrid. A los madrileños les encanta compartir en ellas momentos en los que la comida y la bebida son imprescindibles. Uno se toma una caña, otra se toma un chato de vino y el otro solo toma agua. Pero, ¿por qué uno ‘se toma’ una caña y otro ‘toma’ agua? Pues aquí vamos a enseñarte algo muy español sobre el pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo:

El pronombre “se” y los verbos de consumo – Spanish exercises

Ahora elige la opción correcta:
1. Ayer merendé/me merendé galletas.
2. Ayer merendé/me merendé un bocata de atún.
3. Bebe/Se bebe un litro de gaseosa al día.
4. Bebe/Se bebe mucha agua cuando hace deporte.
5. Tengo ganas de comer/comerme pescado.
6. Tengo ganas de comer/comerme un pincho de pulpo.


Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out our Learning resources section page to test your Spanish level with our quizzes.

If you have a special someone and want to tell him/her some enchanting phrases in Spanish, go to our St. Valentine’s Day Piropos.

Featured AIL Student – Peter

Peter, Feature AIL Madrid Student

My name is Peter and I’m from the United States. I decided to come to AIL Madrid to take private and group classes in business Spanish.

My story

I chose to enrol at AIL Madrid as it offered not just group classes in business Spanish but also private lessons. Subjects like finance and business can be very specialised and every student has their own specific interests, so having personalised classes was really important to me.

My teacher

My teacher Marina was phenomenal and very intelligent. She was the only teacher I worked with during my time at AIL and taught me for both my private and group classes. Through these classes, I also got to meet other students from places like China and Turkey. I found the different perspectives of the international class really interesting.

Fun after class activities

Although AIL offered a lot of cultural activities after class, I was studying for my DELE exams and so I only went to one cultural workshop about Cervantes. The activity taught me so much new vocabulary and I ended up having an ‘aha!’ moment the next day when I overheard one of my newly learned words used by my host family! I think the cultural activities are a nice way to learn Spanish in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Why study Spanish

I’m not young, so I know that for others it’s a lot easier to learn a new language. It is challenging and at times I think, ‘Why am I doing this?’ Yet, on the days where I can speak really fluently, or when people can’t detect my American accent in Spanish and ask where I’m from, it’s amazing. For people who are considering taking up Spanish lessons, my advice would be to just do it!

Do you want to read AIL Student opinion? You can meet Rachel, a night Spanish course student, in our Spanish Language Students section.

St Valentine’s Day Piropos – Spanish exercises

Piropos San ValentínDo you have a special someone on St Valentine’s Day to give all your love? If you want to surprise her/him with your Spanish lover skills and you want to learn how to flirt in Spanish, we give you the piropos no one would be able to resist! But be aware, maybe some of them will make her/him laugh or run away!

¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar?
Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to pass by again?
Ya me puedo quedar ciego: acabo de ver lo más bonito del mundo.
I now can be blind: I just saw the most beautiful thing in the world.
Si la belleza fuese un instante, tú serías la eternidad.
If beauty was an instant you would be eternity.
Si no existieras, te inventaría.
If you didn’t exist, I would invent you.
Tal vez para el mundo sólo seas una persona, pero para esta persona eres el mundo.
Maybe you’re just a person to the world, but to this person you are the world.

After all this love, do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Take a look at the infographics of different levels that we have in our Learning resources.

If you want to know the learning experience of others Spanish students like yourself, check out our AIL students section.

Plato de temporada – Spanish exercises

During Madrid’s mild winters, locals prepare seasonal stews using ingredients such as beans, lentils, tripe and garlic.

Here, we have a recipe for garlic soup that serves two. It’s a great winter plato de temporada!

Match each ingredient with its image to complete the recipe:


Typical stews of Spanish winter
  • 3 cucharadas de _ _ _ _ _
  • Una pizca de _ _ _ _ _
  • 4 dientes de _ _ _ _ _
  • 50 gramos de _ _ _ _ _ duro
  • 1 litro de _ _ _ _ _


Cortar (2) / Mezclar / Verter

Pelar / Calentar / Poner

Añadir (2) / Cocer

Plato de temporada


Aceite de oliva/Sal/Ajo/Pan/Agua Cortar/Poner/Pelar/Cortar/Añadir/Añadir/Mezclar/Verter/Cocer

Do you want to continue your Spanish learning? Check out our Learning resources section page to test your Spanish level with our quizzes.

Do you want to further expand your knowledge of Spanish? We recommend you this post about Spanish expressions with “dar”.

Featured AIL Student – Junko

Junko is studying a Spanish course in AIL Madrid

Hello! My name is Junko, I am from Japan and I am an AIL Madrid Student currently taking a semi-intensive B1 Spanish course.

I chose to start learning Spanish a year ago after my husband and I moved to Madrid for his work. I tried out three or four other language schools before coming to AIL Madrid and out of all of them, I like AIL’s atmosphere the most!

My favourite thing about the school is the other students you get to meet there. I enjoy talking with the students who come from places like China, France and the US, and I also get on well with my classmates. They are younger than me, but the age gap isn’t an issue and I always find it interesting to hear what they have to say.

As I have a busy schedule, I think the ten weekly hours of classes offered in the semi-intensive courses are a good amount for me to learn Spanish from. The teachers at AIL are really friendly and they always bring up interesting topics for us to discuss in class. I find speaking to be the hardest part of learning Spanish, but my teachers are patient and always let me finish all of my sentences when I am speaking in class. Since starting the Spanish course, I am now able to talk to native speakers, take calls and organise local services to fix household problems on my own. I used to work in the Ministry of Commerce in Japan, so I am also excited by the idea of being able to use Spanish in my work in future too!

Do you want to meet another AIL Madrid Student? You can get to know Sandra, who started as a total beginner, in our Spanish Language Students section.